“The Ex-Wife” by Jess Ryder

“The Ex-Wife” by Jess Ryder

Narrated by Annette Chown

Natasha is a beautiful young woman who has recently married a dreamboat of a man, who is also hopelessly devoted to her. They have just given birth to a daughter, live in a mansion and she has everything she could ever want. But the dreamboat has and ex-wife who is constantly stealing the joy from her life and seems to be there every time she turns around. Then one day her daughter disappears and her whole world changes. Can she possibly pull her life back from the edge and get her daughter back?

This thriller will have you on the edge of your seat. You can’t help but like Natasha and admire her commitment to her husband and daughter. She wants the kind of life that she didn’t have growing up with a single mother and who can blame her. But the ex acts like she still lives in the house. The husband appears to be devoted but there just something not quite genuine about him. These are some wonderful characters. The story has all kinds of twists and turns and enough psychological drama to keep an office full of therapists busy. I loved it! I listened to the Audible audiobook version and it is expertly narrated by Annette Chown. You really should not miss this one.

Alinefromabook’s rating:  5-star-rating 5 stars!!

Happy Reading!

Links:   Amazon   |   Goodreads   |   Author’s website

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